'Twas the weekend before Christmas, when all through the North End
Not a Walsh had his life together, not even his friends;
The parties were planned by the foodies with care,
In hopes that Wes and Erin would soon find their way there;
The men were stressing over last minute shopping lists and plans,
While the ladies were busy with work and nesting and finding the right paella pans;
When out in the dining room there arose such a clatter,
The Halsted dogs sprang from their beds to see what was the matter;
They whistled and shouted and called each other names,
While the secrets and announcements and surprises quickly came;
So onto another adventure they flew
With the sleigh full of Walshes, and the Commodore too—
As they continued arguing and clamoring around,
Down the road an unexpected visitor came with a bound;
But it wasn't long until couples were all nestled snug in their beds,
With new memories of steamy holiday nights dancing in their heads.